Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blue Man Group, Halloween Cupcakes, and House Updates

It has been a busy few weeks.  We took the kids to the Blue Man Group at the Performing Arts Center in Appleton.  We sat in the "Splash Zone."  The kids enjoyed the music and the technology involved.  It was a nice family outing.  Jim and I just returned from a mini get-a-way to Door County.  We  went to our favorite spa Saguaro.  After a relaxing morning there we headed to Sturgeon Bay to a B&B.  It was great not to worry about cooking, cleaning, or carting kids for a day.  We actually had uninterrupted conversations too! 

Megan spent Sunday afternoon making Halloween cupcakes with homemade frosting.  They turned out pretty cute.  Skeleton skulls, pumpkins, and black cats.

House progress has been slow.  The framers were let go and a new company was hired.  We were told four guys would be on the job site until it is done but we have not seen more than two.  The  floor trusses are being set.  Our hope is that we will be able to walk on the first floor by the end of the week. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Birthdays and Home Updates

 This was a cake made by my friend's daughter.  She is 10 and is starting a cake decorating business.  It was delicious!  Jim ate 3 pieces!
14 and 42!!  Look how big they're getting!
 Insulation was put on the foundation.  Meg and Ash love to explore...throw rocks...climb dirt piles etc.  You may have noticed Con and E aren't in any pics.  We think they are holding out for the finished product!  Teenagers!
 Soil was replaced around the foundation.  The wood has arrived from WBS for framing!
 Finally!!  The basement framing has begun.  It is starting to look like a house.

We are busy picking exteriors colors, hardware, and doors.  Our neighbors seem nice and tolerate our frequent visits. Crazy family with the camera is in the neighborhood again!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Home Updates, Homecoming, Braces!

The forms are off the foundation and we are waiting for it to dry.  The framing package is scheduled to be delivered next week.  We are currently busy ordering windows and doors.  Our next project is to decide which cabinet company we want to use.  It is a huge expense and Jim is wheel-n-dealing to get a good price! 

Megan got her top braces on.  She went through a few days of eating soft foods but is doing much better.  She won't have them on too long.  She needs to correct her overbite and shift a few teeth.  She chose purple and yellow for her bands because they were her favorite colors.   (Pat and Jane she is NOT a Vikings fan!)
 Bryce, Elliot, Connor, Andrew, and Caleb
 First Homecoming...wowza!
Connor and his buddies had dinner at Elliot's house.  His Grandmother made her homemade spaghetti. The boys decided to wear tennies to the dance.  They were handsome in some shade of purple. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012


1158 to be exact!
Last lot on the court!

Here we go...the lot was scraped and staked to prep for digging the hole

 The footing are in place.  The tall cement things are forms for the foundation.   This is the front view of the garage closest part of the house to the street.
The square on the left is the front entrance.  What do you mean you can't see it?
The mastersuite, isn't it grand??

Forms are in place and the foundation is poured!

Back view of the house

When we broke  ground the builder discovered that our soil was not stable.
Gravel had to be brought in to secure the footings.

Who cares about the house...give me a HUGE dirt mound!  Meg, Ash and their friends after playing King of The Mountain.  I don't remember the last time I heard so much giggling.  Man were they dirty!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Max on the left, Me in the middle and Paige on the right. This is after a haunted house we made in my basement. This was the night before Halloween when we did this.

Auntie Jill or Uncle Joe is this a sakada? I saw it in Indiana on a tree and it was really hot outside. I was asking you because you have them around you don't you. I think this one is alive because it's not crusty or gray.