Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Home Updates, Homecoming, Braces!

The forms are off the foundation and we are waiting for it to dry.  The framing package is scheduled to be delivered next week.  We are currently busy ordering windows and doors.  Our next project is to decide which cabinet company we want to use.  It is a huge expense and Jim is wheel-n-dealing to get a good price! 

Megan got her top braces on.  She went through a few days of eating soft foods but is doing much better.  She won't have them on too long.  She needs to correct her overbite and shift a few teeth.  She chose purple and yellow for her bands because they were her favorite colors.   (Pat and Jane she is NOT a Vikings fan!)
 Bryce, Elliot, Connor, Andrew, and Caleb
 First Homecoming...wowza!
Connor and his buddies had dinner at Elliot's house.  His Grandmother made her homemade spaghetti. The boys decided to wear tennies to the dance.  They were handsome in some shade of purple. 

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