Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Birthdays and Home Updates

 This was a cake made by my friend's daughter.  She is 10 and is starting a cake decorating business.  It was delicious!  Jim ate 3 pieces!
14 and 42!!  Look how big they're getting!
 Insulation was put on the foundation.  Meg and Ash love to explore...throw rocks...climb dirt piles etc.  You may have noticed Con and E aren't in any pics.  We think they are holding out for the finished product!  Teenagers!
 Soil was replaced around the foundation.  The wood has arrived from WBS for framing!
 Finally!!  The basement framing has begun.  It is starting to look like a house.

We are busy picking exteriors colors, hardware, and doors.  Our neighbors seem nice and tolerate our frequent visits. Crazy family with the camera is in the neighborhood again!

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